1. 您是否喜欢开放时间不受限制的24/7购物灵活性?
2. 您是否愿意在自己的私人空间谨慎购买私密玩具?
3. 您介意在按摩棒购物时被朋友发现吗?
4. 浏览大量贴心小工具时,几双眼睛凝视着您是否感到尴尬?
5. 您是否可以在无需动手检查的情况下决定购买性玩具?
6. 您是否愿意将购买的性爱玩具送货上门?
7. 您是否想以比逛商店便宜的价格购买同一商品?
最重要的是,为了确保您放心,我们建立了一个系统,可让您随时了解购买的状态,因此您可以从他们离开我们的手直到他们进入我们的手中一直跟踪它们你的我们在收到您的付款后将向您发送一封电子邮件,而在我们发货后将向您发送第二封电子邮件。选择Ta-Q-Bin交付的人也可以使用跟踪。如果您对购买不满意,请不要担心。销售尚未结束。 CherryAffairs™为您提供所有有缺陷商品的14天保修。
1 评论
Fully agreed.
My first online purchasing over the net was in late 2004 or 2005 with SGintimates, and the store owner Keith often many times even chose to go the extra mile to deliver the toys personally for his customers cos to save the inconvenience for his buyer even though I was just buying a piece of fleshlight .
I have to say he is the guy whom helps to build me up having that initially confidence in purchasing adult toys over the net .
If not for him and SGintimates I don’t think I’m confident enough to purchase such toys online .
But it seems that heis not very much active into this business anymore as the store not very much products to choose from .
But then I’m glad I had managed to found this place and this is going to be my preferred place for all my masturbation needs .
Thanks for bringing in the toys and offer us the most competitive pricing which we can find on the net 👍👍