美国 Fleshlight-Fleshlight Girls Riley Reid Lotus 手淫(Utopia)

$99.95 SGD $108.01 SGD

颜色: 浅褐色的
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Product Description

获得终极高潮!莱利里德(Riley Reid)的乌托邦(Utopia)具有独特的休闲袋和盘绕设计,可为您带来紧绷刺激和肋骨乐趣。时刻为您准备-通过Fleshlight品牌,您知道自己在质量和耐用性方面的优势!


长度 25.4cm
插入长度 -
宽度 -
素材 获得专利的Real Feel Super皮肤材料柔软,柔软,温暖,安全,无毒且不含邻苯二甲酸盐
防水 Yes
颜色 乌托邦色
电池 -
充电时间 -
使用时间 -
振动模式 -
Disclaimer: The product specification provided are adapted from the supplier/manufacturer. It should be used as an approximate guide, for your reference only. While we strive to keep the product specification as accurate as possible, we will not be liable for any inaccuracy of the product specification provided.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Quite decent if I were to say

As I only own this and a stamina unit I can't say this is the best , however it still feels pretty goddam good when using as the entrances as well as the bump can be felt . Do remember to get the powder in order to let it last longer. 😏 However the price is higher than other FL maybe you can tryout the destroya or the anal version first?

Mixed opinions for first time FL user

As a longstanding Tenga user, this is my first foray into Fleshlights. I have to say I appreciate the FL more for its ease of grip and its shape, which makes it easier to use. However, I feel the inside surface is just very smooth - maybe somewhat similar to the “real thing” once you’re lubed up - compared to the Tenga with its bumps and grooves and funky insides. The Tenga is also easier to clean and dry. Nevertheless, I look forward to some good times with the FL...

It was good!

Portable and easy to use! Much pleasure, worth of buying

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