Fleshlight -飞行指挥官手淫(蓝色)

$69.95 SGD $83.90 SGD

颜色: 蓝色的


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Product Description

肉身飞行指挥官自慰器将欢乐带入新的高度!凭借其时尚,谨慎的设计和包装,它非常适合家庭和旅途中使用。 Fleshlight独特的SuperSkin套筒和腔内的吸力环提供逼真的口交感觉,而对身体有益的材料使其成为耐用,持久的选择,您可以放心购买。飞行机组人员由飞行员,飞行员和指挥官组成,每个人都有自己独特的质感和独特的设计。飞行指挥官还采用了我们流行的涡轮增压技术-额外的入口点旨在增加吸力,从而提供更丰富的体验。

Disclaimer: The product specification provided are adapted from the supplier/manufacturer. It should be used as an approximate guide, for your reference only. While we strive to keep the product specification as accurate as possible, we will not be liable for any inaccuracy of the product specification provided.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Decent fleshlight

The Flight series is pretty interesting because of the see-through TPE material they used. You get to see yourself thrusting through it.

At the same time, all of the see-through material have the same issue (to me). They're all sticky after washing it. If you were to use the renewing powder/cornstarch (to make it smooth), it will make the see-through material become cloudy (translucent). So if you like the see-through feature of the fleshlight, you can't use any of the powder and be stuck with a sticky fleshlight.

It is not a gamebreaking problem but it is something to note. Aside from that, this fleshlight is good for edging. It is not as intense as destroya but it is pretty simulating. I can see why it kind of mimics a blowjob but it don't feel exactly like one.

Overall, it might feel differently to different people. Take my review with a pinch of salt.