WILD One-人体+ 3D骨系统迷人的位置Pai Anya Kiryan娃娃(米色)

$432.69 SGD $520.06 SGD

颜色: 浅褐色的


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Product Description

优质的娃娃可能很难买到。 WIld One-真实身体+ 3D骨骼系统的迷人位置Pai Anya Kiryan Doll(米色)是制作精良且具有您想要的所有功能的奇妙娃娃的一个示例。这只洋娃娃具有骨骼结构,给人超现实的感觉,还配有服装,您可以自定义外观。


长度 43cm
插入长度 -
宽度 23cm
防水 Yes
颜色 米色
电池 -
充电时间 -
使用时间 -
振动模式 -
Disclaimer: The product specification provided are adapted from the supplier/manufacturer. It should be used as an approximate guide, for your reference only. While we strive to keep the product specification as accurate as possible, we will not be liable for any inaccuracy of the product specification provided.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Good buy

It is pretty huge and looks good. The breast is perky and feels soft to the touch. Overall very satisfied with the look and feel of the 'body'. The 'holes' are quite deep and feels good, the only downside is that the butt hole is literally a hole. Like all silicone products, it does secrete 'oil', so do take precaution on storage.

The weight of 6.5kg took me awhile to get use to, like what position is best for it. The weight does give the feel of fucking a body instead of just an onahole, but it also creates cleaning issue. Holding it in one hand and using the other hand to clean requires a bit of skill. It is best to be able to set it down to clean.

Because of the size and weight it does require space to store and definitely not a discreet item. Dispite the flaws, I really like it and would recommend to those who are able to freely use it at home.