零容忍 - 肢体语言抚摸自慰器带振动鸡巴环

$40.33 SGD

颜色: 浅褐色的


标准送货费用为 5 美元,50 美元以上的订单可免费送货。

体验当日送达的便利,仅需 9.5 美元,90 美元以上的订单免费。最后时段截止时间为下午 6 点。


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Product Description

隆重推出带有振动阴茎环的零容忍肢体语言抚摸自慰器 - 一款创新的体形愉悦装置,旨在提升您的独奏体验。这款冲程器采用超柔软、有弹性的 TPE 橡胶制成,独特地融合了柔软性和坚固性,为每次触摸提供令人愉悦的阻力。使用肢体语言抚摸器提升您的独奏冒险体验,平滑的曲线和球体通向带纹理的内部通道,提供无与伦比的感觉。这款娱乐设备易于清洁、防水且不含乳胶,专为带来无忧且充实的体验而量身定制。尽情享受超柔软、有弹性的 TPE 橡胶的奢华感觉,让 Body Language Stroker 成为您单独满足的首选伴侣。

  • 栩栩如生的体形抚摸器
  • 带纹理的圆形串珠通道
  • 配有振动 C 形环
  • 包括色情电影下载代码


总长度: 高度:7.5 英寸,深度:2.32 英寸,宽度:3.63 英寸
重量:1.5 磅以下
可插入长度: -
宽度: -
材料: 由弹性且坚固的 TPE 橡胶制成
防水的: 是的
颜色: 米色、棕色
电池: -
最大充电时间: -
最长使用时间: -
振动模式: -
Disclaimer: The product specification provided are adapted from the supplier/manufacturer. It should be used as an approximate guide, for your reference only. While we strive to keep the product specification as accurate as possible, we will not be liable for any inaccuracy of the product specification provided.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Tight but quality could be better

This is not a product that you can go in semi erected. It’s so tight and kinda awkward to enter, depending on your own positioning, that it’ll take some time to go in. I lost my erection a few times because of how difficult I find to enter it. I find doing it while lying down is the best as going in vertically is the easiest way and you can control the flimsiness of the body and legs. Idk if it’s cuz I bought the brown one but it kinda smells like chocolate?

The downloadable movie was ok I wasn’t able to finish it cuz somehow it needed buffering? Maybe it’s my laptop.

The details on the body is pretty good. I like how you can feel the nipple flick as you rub it. But the finishing of the skin could be better. The imperfections were probably left before the material was able to set/solidify properly.
The nubs inside feel like they were designed randomly. Like they weren’t design to last long. Bits of it come out even after a few washes.

The vibrating c-ring is not bad.

At first I didn’t like the product that much as the only thing I like about it was the tightness but because of its tightness I also didn’t like it due to the difficulty of entering it. But after a few uses, I’ve come to like it a lot. Seeing the stomach distension as I go in and out was amazing. Overall it’s not a bad product